I may not always know what I’m talking about, but I always know the time. Believe it or not, prior to 1988, over 97 percent of all lawyers wore watches. Yes, I made that stat up. However, it’s likely true. In today’s world, though, I am noticing ...
William Melater - June 7, 2012The life of a successful lawyer who travels constantly for work can sound attractive, even alluring ... to those who don’t have to do it. They imagine going to exotic places, meeting with important people and dining in the best restaurants. But ...
Marcia Pennington Shannon - May 30, 2012Hooray, it’s a three-day weekend! All across the States, folks are heaving a sigh of relief at having a Monday off from their crazy schedules. But Memorial Day weekend—with its annual mix of events (and emotions) that run the gamut from backyard ...
Joy White - May 25, 2012In this excerpt from his book The View from the First Chair, veteran California defense lawyer Martin L. Grayson offers a crash course on the importance of courthouse demeanor, with tips for always (always) presenting your best ...
Martin Grayson - May 17, 2012I have had the pleasure of being a public performer for 22 years as a gymnast, a classically trained singer, a flash mob performer and, more recently, a speaker on legal topics. Despite all of my experience, I still get nervous. Before most ...
Ruth Carter - May 15, 2012Legal puberty is real. I am not referring to one of those laws in the South regarding 12-year-olds getting married and when you can buy alcohol. I mean that, just as in your real life, you'll go through certain developmental stages in your ...
William Melater - May 15, 2012Are you, too, remembering Maurice Sendak this week? Perhaps reliving the deliciously scary times you spent Where the Wild Things Are? Recalling bedtimes when you snuggled with your little one and a well-worn copy of In the Night Kitchen? Then ...
Merrilyn Astin Tarlton - May 11, 2012While some people are “lawyering up,” lawyers are labeling up. Advertisements, as well as brochures and emails, often seem to be screaming out at even the most sophisticated audience: “Lawyer Advertisement!” “Advertising Material!” “This is an ...
William Hornsby - May 3, 2012One of the benefits of being a lawyer with a laptop, tablet or smartphone is that you really can work anywhere with access to Wi-Fi and your files. But the question of security must be addressed. How can you protect yourself and your clients ...
Ruth Carter - May 1, 2012Obviously, Attorney at Work lives here on the Internet. As does nearly everything else in the civilized world. But sometimes—be it solar flares, high winds, an ISP blunder or a vast electronic conspiracy—you lose access for a while. An hour. A ...
The Editors - April 20, 2012Sign up for our free newsletter.