Producing content that serves readers and the business objectives of the publisher — in this case, your law practice — is the No. 1 goal of a content strategy. Building an effective body of content requires consistent outreach. If you’ve been at ...
Susan Kostal - May 1, 2018Lawyers often lament: “I’ve been on LinkedIn for years, but I’ve never experienced any benefit from it.” What most mean is: “I’ve never gotten any work from it.” Lack of LinkedIn success is due to two factors. The first is lack of understanding ...
Jay Harrington - July 3, 2015Lawyer, writer and writing instructor Gary Kinder wants lawyers to get to the point quickly in their communications with clients. “Too often lawyers write a letter to the client and won't tell them the answer to the client’s question,” he says. ...
Steven Taylor - August 5, 2014Have you been thinking about writing a book? It can be a fantastic marketing tool that sets you apart from the pack—and you can leverage it to get media attention for your area of expertise. In the past, you had to pitch ideas to publishers, of ...
Ruth Carter - December 13, 2012Lawyers, it turns out, are not so special. They have just as much difficulty writing and speaking well in their native tongue as the next person. Poor grammar. Jargon. Weird syntax. The ever-popular use of 10 words when one will do. You have ...
Steven Taylor - November 6, 2012Want to build your law practice? Then the first thing you want to do is get a little bit famous. And one route to fame is getting your byline in print and pixels. To all who just muttered, “Yeah, but that’s nearly impossible,” oh no, it isn’t! ...
Joan Feldman - August 25, 2011It’s become an article of faith that lawyers are poor writers. That isn’t really fair. The problem is not with lawyers’ writing, I think; the problem lies with lawyers’ tendency to overwrite. Ask a lawyer for a tune and she’ll give you a ...
Jordan Furlong - July 13, 2011Sign up for our free newsletter.