writer lawyer

writer's block
Conquer Writer’s Block: The 21-Minute Method

Don’t have hours of uninterrupted writing time to dedicate to your brief or memo? Don’t worry. If you can find 20 to 30 minutes, then you can write the first draft. Here are Gary Kinder's three steps and three rules to get you writing.

Gary Kinder - February 3, 2020
Classically Clueless

As with cliches, Greek and Roman myths can refer to commonly understood paradigms. Or at least they do when speakers and writers know what they are saying.

Theda C. Snyder - November 12, 2019
OK, So You’ve Got a Thesaurus

You want to come across as erudite, not clueless.

Theda C. Snyder - October 2, 2019
Five Tips for Creatively Repurposing Your Writing

Infographic | You spent a lot of time perfecting that article. What will you do with it now (besides sending it to your mom)? Here are Ari Kaplan's tips on getting more mileage out of your hard work.

Ari Kaplan - September 13, 2019
crumbled paper in trash can
Six Tips for Turning Good Writing Into Great Writing

Kim Lozano says writing well means learning to rewrite well. First, step away.

Kim Lozano - September 9, 2019
five article ideas
Five Article Ideas to Help You Connect With Clients and Drive Business

Whether it's your first guest article for a legal publication or your umpteenth blog post, these tips can jumpstart your next writing project.

Emily Brooks - July 19, 2019
Case Resolution Vocabulary

Be sure you use the correct ADR terms with clients, judges and opponents to avoid misunderstandings.

Theda C. Snyder - July 10, 2019
What to Write When Inspiration Goes on Strike

Staring at a blank page? Tips from Susan Kostal to get your creative juices flowing.

Susan Kostal - March 11, 2019
Professional Services Thought Leadership 2.0 Explained

Firms that choose to be mute stand out as the outliers. But not in a good way.

Susan Kostal - January 14, 2019
law firm testimonials
How to Ask for Law Firm Testimonials

These four questions will help your happy clients get to the essence of their "client experience" story.

Susan Kostal - December 5, 2018

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