Product Beat

Product News, ILTA 2012 Edition

By Joan Feldman

This week the International Legal Technology Association Annual Conference served up almost 200 programs plus an expo hall full to overflowing with technology products and services. The conference usually focuses on big-picture enterprise-wide issues like, well, big data and e-discovery and migrating to the cloud. This year, how law firms are coming to grips with personal technology was a hot topic as well. On the conference floor and in ILTA TV interviews, legal IT pros swapped thoughts on the BYOD (bring your own device) issues created by the rise of smartphones, iPads and the personal cloud — and how to support and secure all those non-conforming devices lawyers are bringing into the firm.

More insights into legal technology trends can be found in the ILTA and InsideLegal “7th annual ILTA/InsideLegal Technology Purchasing Survey.” Focused on ILTA member law firms with 50+ attorneys, the new survey report includes detailed technology budget data; updated information on firms’ social media preferences; analysis of cloud computing and mobile trends; and expansive sections on legal technology purchases.

Product Announcements

In honor of ILTA, we bring you a small sampling of the product news from the expo floor.

  • Smart Dockets from American LegalNet is a new calendaring and deadline calculation site and iPhone/iPad app. Using the site or mobile app, users choose a court rule set, determine the trigger (e.g., interrogatories served), and enter the trigger date to automatically populate rule-based deadlines. Results can be emailed as a report (HTML or PDF) or as calendar appointments. Smart Dockets also offers free access to American LegalNet’s national federal and state automated court rules.
  • World Software Corporation announced the Worldox GX3 Enterprise version of its document management system, with a new architecture designed to support multiple offices and remote connectivity. A patent pending add-on server component enables fast remote connectivity, and the new version allows centralized document storage and indexing in a firm’s data center, to provide efficient deployment to remote locations. Worldox GX3 Cloud, a pure-cloud delivery of the DMS, is planned for release in early 2013.
  • Westlaw Case Notebook Portable E-Transcript is Thomson Reuters’ soon-to-be-released app for litigators. It allows users to access, view, highlight and annotate e-transcripts. It’s free for all to use, but Westlaw Case Notebook customers can transfer notes and annotations back to their own desktop version of the application.
  • The OrcaTec Appliance is a new tool that enables organizations to deploy the OrcaTec Document Decisioning Suite in-house. Firms can ingest eDiscovery or other big data sets, remove system files and extraneous data, then get to work using OrcaTec’s analytics and predictive coding for early case assessment and first-pass review. They can then move on to review and production, all with the data behind their firewalls. OrcaTec analytics include concept search, visual clustering, timelines, relationship sonar and more, including the predictive coding being used in Global Aerospace v. Landow Aviation.
  • Business Intelligence Associates, Inc. has upgraded the legal hold functionality of its cloud-based Enhancements include an Escalation feature for easy escalation to a supervisor if an employee fails to timely acknowledge a notice. New Cross Matter Reporting gives a global overview with new detail of active legal holds across all matters. All the legal hold features in are free. New users can create accounts and issue legal hold notices without hardware or software to install.
  • Affinity Consulting Group, has launched its YourExecutive management consulting program for law firms in need of flexible management solutions pertaining to law firm strategy, operations, finance and information technology.
  • Compiled Services launched version 4.5 of e-discovery software ReadySuite, and is offering a 14-day free trial. ReadySuite is a bundled suite of specialized litigation software for handling document-related tasks. There are modules for reviewing, validating, merging and manipulating load files, converting among multiple image formats, applying or removing endorsements from image sets, generating searchable text and PDF files using OCR, and batch printing image sets.
  • HighQ, a leading provider of secure enterprise collaboration and document exchange software, announced a major upgrade to HighQ Collaborate, its cloud-based document sharing and social collaboration platform, with 40+ enhancements. High Q also announced the certification of its Information Security Management System as conforming to ISO 27001.


Categories: Daily Dispatch, Lawyer Apps, Legal Tech Reviews, Legal Technology
Originally published August 31, 2012
Last updated September 14, 2019
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Joan Hamby Feldman Joan Feldman

Joan Feldman is Editor-in-Chief and a co-founder of Attorney at Work, publishing “one really good idea every day” since 2011. She has created and steered myriad leading practice management and trade publications, including the ABA’s Law Practice magazine where she served as managing editor for a dozen years. Joan is a Fellow and served as a Trustee of the College of Law Practice Management. Follow her on LinkedIn and @JoanHFeldman.

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