The Friday Five

Slow Down

By The Editors

Today the Friday Five takes time to relax and explore the emerging idea of slowing down—economically, politically, agriculturally, gastronomically, even musically. Is anything so important today that you should strip your gears and burn rubber? Take a break from frantic multitasking and downshift into a leisurely Fathers’ Day weekend by indulging in a little thoughtful leisure.

Five Ways to Go Less Fast

1. How to slow down. Start with a visit to the International Institute of Not Doing Much (IINDM), a site afloat in information about how to do things slowly. If you’re a novice at this slow business, we suggest you begin with “10 ways to slow down,” where you’ll learn that “multitasking is a moral weakness” and enjoy a jolly good read of Major Smythe-Blunder’s really slow day.

2. What is the Slow Movement? At the World Institute of Slowness you’ll find some wonderful advocacy for the “slow movement.” Watch videos of Krishamurta and Richard Feynman. There’s even a profound video by Tony and Emmy Award winners Trey Parker and Matt Stone, narrated by Alan Watts. If you’re a lawyer stuck on the billable hour, this will be most appropriate.

3. Chew slowly, savor every bit. “Slow Food unites the pleasure of food with responsibility,  sustainability and harmony with nature,” according to Carlo Petrini, the founder of  Slow Food. This global movement will connect you with a network of 100,000 members in 153 countries, grouped in 1,300 local chapters called convivia. They develop activities, projects and events at the local and global level that include education, supporting small food producers, dining events and more. You can even learn about “slow wine.” (Tip: Search for slow restaurants before you travel for some amazing meals, off the usual tourist track.)

4. Finance for the long haul. Slow Money is an organization dedicated to creating a new world of investment for the 21st century. They seek an era of “nurture capital, built around principles of carrying capacity, care of the commons, sense of place and nonviolence.” The ultimate goal is to bring together investers and entrepreneurs to achieve 1 million people investing 1 percent of their money in local food enterprises, within a decade. Watch this TED video of founder Ari Derfel to learn more.

5. Throw up your food. No, not really. But you will have some surprising slo-mo fun with this awesome video, Breakfast Interrupted.

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