Words from the Wise

By The Editors

We’ve always figured that when really smart people talk, it’s generally a good idea to stop talking and listen. This Friday Five is an opportunity to do just that. Let’s eavesdrop on what some of Attorney at Work’s Advisors have been doing online during the month of March.

1. Bob Ambrogi’s LawSites blog looked at a new website that provides a searchable database of information about mobile device apps for lawyers. Always appropriately skeptical, Bob took the site for a trial run and came out thumbs up. (Take a look at Bob’s March 21 post about LinkedIn, too. It’s great!)

2. Burkey Belser’s BrandThinking blog covered those “odd-looking square icons on print materials,” otherwise known as QB Codes. If you don’t know what QB codes are, you need to find out. If you do know, but want to learn more about using them in your marketing, this is a great quick read, written by Greenfield Belser’s Theresa Mencarini and Emily Rieger.

3. Jordan Furlong outlined the “four characteristics of the successful 21st-century sole practitioner” on his always thought-provoking Law21 blog. Take a look and see how you measure up—even if you aren’t a solo! (Read all the way to the end of his post and you’ll have a chance to win a scholarship to Solo Practice University.)

4. Dan Pinnington, Director of ProLaw and co-author of The Busy Lawyer’s Guide to Success, does a lot of public speaking, so for good PowerPoint shortcuts he is the one to ask. This month on SlawTips, he shared some of his favorites.

5. Steve Matthews of StemLegal delivered great advice on security for WordPress this month in his Slaw column. WordPress is becoming a favorite target of hackers, so if you have a WordPress site or blog–or you’re thinking about it—read Steve’s tips, tricks and tools to protect your content as well as your software and plug-ins!

Categories: Daily Dispatch, Friday Five, Legal Technology
Originally published March 25, 2011
Last updated May 11, 2020
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