Awards Season: Compete for a Little Attention

By The Editors

If you think winning the game doesn’t get you media attention, just contemplate the name “Tim Tebow.” Yep. Everyone loves a winner. (Or someone who loses spectacularly!) Fortunately, in the world of enterprising lawyers, you don’t have to endure a torn ACL to make the headlines. Each year, high-profile competitions promise all sorts of public attention—and you can include that new-found recognition in your online bio and firm marketing materials. Why not take the opportunity to make the big time?

Give it Your Best Shot

This week’s Friday Five delivers key deadlines for five great competitions. Go on, give in to fame’s siren call!

  1. InnovAction Awards. If you think you’re doing something really different and praiseworthy, the InnovAction Awards are right up your alley. Presented each year by the College of Law Practice Management at its Futures Conference, the awards seek to identify and hold up as models those lawyers or firms doing things that have either never been done before—or never been done in quite this way. You can download the 2012 InnovAction Award entry form here. The deadline for submissions is June 1, 2012.
  2. The Burton Awards. Established in 1999, this national awards program is run in association with the Library of Congress. It was established to reward great achievements in law ranging from legal writing to publications to the greatest reforms in law. But the principal focus is rewarding effective legal writing by partners in law firms and law school students. The deadline for both the 2012 Distinguished Legal Writing Awards–Partner or Counsel and the 2012 Distinguished Legal Writing Awards–Law School Student is February 23, 2012.
  3. LexThink.1. Those mind-blowing “Ignite Law” sessions, held on the eve of ABA TECHSHOW, have been the buzz of the conference for the past couple of years: Twelve speakers are each given six minutes and 20 slides to share their vision of the future of the practice of law. This year, it has morphed into LexThink.1, produced by InsideLegal and presented by LexThink, and the topic is “Serving the 21st Century Client.” Proposals (yes, you must compete for one of those 12 spots) will be accepted between January 30 and February 10th, and online voting to pick the best is February 13-24. Peruse the details here and get working on it (get a clue, too, from the videos of past presentations).
  4. James I. Keane Memorial Award. This award, presented annually at ABA TECHSHOW, was created in memory of legal technology innovator Jim Keane, who was founding Chair of the ABA Law Practice Management Section’s eLawyering Task Force. It recognizes law offices that have developed legal service innovations delivered via the Internet. Special attention is given to firms or entities serving moderate income individuals and the broad middle class. (What are you up against? Read our interview of past awardee Stephanie Kimbro and this on last year’s winner, Legal Genie.)  This year, the Keane Award will be presented on March 30, 2012, in Chicago. Nomination materials must be postmarked no later than February 15, 2012.
  5. Law Day Video Competition. The ABA Young Lawyers’ Division is holding its annual Law Day video competition, open to students, student groups and classes attending a public or private high school or being home schooled, within the United States. Why not sponsor or mentor an entrant and have the time of your life helping them be winners. This year’s theme is “No Courts, No Justice, No Freedom,” and the website provides links to resources to help develop the concept and support the video. Everything you need to know about the competition can be found on the ABA YLD website. Hop on it, the deadline is February 15, 2012!
Categories: Daily Dispatch, Friday Five, Innovation
Originally published January 20, 2012
Last updated October 16, 2018
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