Celebrating the Year’s Best Ideas

By The Editors

As 2011 draws to a close, we bring you the biggest hits from Attorney at Work’s first year—in the form of two great downloads and two collections of posts by some of our most popular authors. Here’s your opportunity to catch up on some of the year’s best ideas.

Lawyer Marketing Collection

Yesterday we offered a free download of the top marketing articles from the past 12 months of Attorney at Work—the ones readers told us helped them most, and those that generated the most clicks. Download the guide to get rolling on your plans for 2012.

25 Tips for the New Lawyer

In addition to excellent tips for newbies-at-law, this handy guide includes more than 50 links to powerful advice from Attorney at Work’s expert authors—for new lawyers and for the not-so-new lawyers, too.

Note: Have difficult downloading? The bulk of requests has created a challenge for some of our readers. If you’re one of them, just email us at merrilyn@attorneyatwork.com. We’ll circumvent the process and get it right to you!

Best of a Curmudgeon’s Perspective

Readers tell us Otto Sorts is one of their favorite authors. If you missed some of his earlier posts, or if you’d like to read them again, we’ve assembled the best of Otto for your reading pleasure. Read Otto Sorts’ Biggest Hits.

The Year’s Best Really Good Ideas

Attorney at Work’s readers are a discerning bunch—just any old idea isn’t going to get you going. So you can be certain that when we assemble a “best of” list, it’s bound to be good. In November, we published this collection of the five most-read posts (so far)—advice on pricing, iPads, Google+ and more. Read the year’s best really good ideas.

Happy New Year!

Categories: Daily Dispatch, Legal Career Development
Originally published December 28, 2011
Last updated June 22, 2013
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