The Friday Five: Gift Guide for Lawyers

Five Holiday Gifts That Celebrate 2016

By Reid Trautz

As we usher in the holiday season, there is no doubt that 2016 has been an audacious year, from hurricanes to the Rio Olympics to the U.S. presidential election. So, as you shop for your favorite lawyer this holiday season, consider these five ideas from my annual “Holiday Gift Guide for Lawyers” that celebrate the events of 2016.


1. Beam me up, Scotty! This year Star Trek commemorates its 50th year of popular culture, so what better gift to give that Trekkie lawyer than a fully working Star Trek Communicator. This full-size replica device from the Wand Co. connects via Bluetooth to your smartphone to accept and make calls. It plays dozens of sound effects, too. Waaaay out there on the geek meter, but very cool!

2. What’s cooking in the high court? We may have been one justice short of a full court for most of 2016, but that didn’t stop their spouses from creating “Chef Supreme,” a cookbook dedicated to Martin Ginsberg, the late husband of Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg. The book is filled with recipes contributed by the spouses of the Supreme Court justices. Perfect for the lawyer who likes to cook and entertain.

3. You’re not just blowing smoke. The half-century embargo against Cuban cigars has been lifted, so cigar aficionados now can legally enjoy them in the U.S. The trick is that you still can’t buy them here. The only way to get them is to bring them back from Cuba or any country where they are sold (such as Canada). So if you are traveling abroad, grab a box or two to give as gifts, or ask a friend who is traveling to Cuba or another country to buy some for you. Travelers bringing them into the U.S. can’t legally sell the cigars here for any amount of money, so just agree to take a few extras off their hands for free (wink, wink). Your cigar-loving lawyer will appreciate the effort — and the great smoke. Depending on what happens with the next president, this window of opportunity could close soon!

4. A positive outlook. This past summer the ABA released its Report on the Future of Legal Services, trying to prepare lawyers for an evolving profession. Help prepare your favorite lawyer for their preferred future by buying them a copy of “Tomorrow’s Lawyer: An Introduction to Your Future” by Sir Richard Susskind. It is an excellent book that will help open their eyes to the changes that are about to descend on the profession. I highly recommend it.

5. Keep an eye on that recount. Many lawyers were hit hard by the outcome of the presidential election, so show them that you care by giving them post-election gifts. Those supporting the electoral winner will enjoy these Donald Trump cufflinks, and those still supporting the popular vote winner will love these President Hillary Clinton cufflinks or handmade pin. Don’t ya just love free enterprise?

For more holiday gift ideas, see my entire gift guide at

Let’s truly enjoy this holiday season, because after a year like 2016 we all deserve a little Peace on Earth!

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More Ideas: “What Tops Your Techie Wish List This Year?”

Can’t decide what to gift the techie in your life? Here’s what Heidi Alexander, Tom Lambotte, Erik Mazzone, Sharon Nelson, Jane Oxley, Catherine Reach, Nora Regis, Lee Rosen and Reid Trautz would like to unwrap this year.

Categories: Gifts, Passions
Originally published December 2, 2016
Last updated November 10, 2023
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Reid Trautz Reid Trautz

Reid Trautz is Director of the Practice and Professionalism Center at the American Immigration Lawyers Association. He is a past Chair of ABA TECHSHOW and a Fellow of the College of Law Practice Management. A highly regarded speaker and author, Reid is co-author of the ABA book “The Busy Lawyer’s Guide to Success: Essential Tips to Power Your Practice.” He blogs on innovation in management and ethics for lawyers at Reid My Blog! Follow him @RTrautz.

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