Friday Five The Friday Five

Guest Blogging: Five Ideas for Lawyers

By Mickie Kennedy

Guest blogging? You are probably saying to yourself that you write enough as it is, and you couldn’t possibly take on another assignment. (And I feel your pain!) You spend most days creating documents and responding to clients, other lawyers and the court system. Plus, you probably maintain your own website and blog. Why on earth would you want to write a guest post on someone else’s blog?

The answer is fairly simple: credibility. By sharing your knowledge with more readers, you are establishing authority and building your practice. Guest blogging helps you achieve that in a few ways, including:

  • You get your expertise in front of more potential clients.
  • You establish relationships with potential partners who could send business your way later.
  • When potential clients and others search your name online, they’ll find more information about you and your area of expertise.
  • Links back to your website show search engines like Google that you are credible, which means it is more likely your own website will rise to the top of searches.
Five Ideas for Pitching a Guest Post

Sounds like a win-win, right? Just remember to use professional courtesy when you seek out a guest blogging opportunity. Pitch a concrete idea for a post. Show familiarity with the website and state your credentials up front. And if they have guidelines set up for guest posts, follow them.

A word of caution: Everything you put online represents you and your firm. From the platform you appear on to the topic of your post, maintaining your integrity is what’s most important. Good lawyers — and good writers — demonstrate their knowledge with proper topic research and selection. Always take care to make sure your information is accurate and your writing responds to what your readers (and potential clients) want.

With that in mind, here are some concepts to get your creative juices flowing.

1. Lists. Use lists, with key points and tips, to share what your readers need to know about certain issues. Research has shown that people like to read lists more than articles, and this is a great way to get your information across succinctly.

2. “Ask a Lawyer.” If you are writing for another law firm site that doesn’t cover the type of law you practice, or if you want to write for a trade or business association blog, an “Ask a Lawyer” guest post might be a great idea. You can begin with a common dilemma — the questions your clients ask again and again — and then open it up to readers’ questions.

3. Replies to comment questions. If enough people ask the same question in response to your “Ask a Lawyer” post, you can create a new post based on their comments alone.

4. Predictions. This can be slightly outside of the box, but writing about how you would handle a well-known or trending court case, for example, can set you apart from other lawyers.

5. Webinar pointers. If you have found a webinar to be particularly helpful, share some of the insights in a guest post (with permission, of course).

Remember the end goal for writing a guest post is not just to get more clients. It is about establishing your voice on legal issues and building credibility. If you do it right, guest blogging can also drive traffic to your website and blog.

Do you guest blog for law firms? What do you write about? Talk to us in the comments.

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Mickie Kennedy Mickie Kennedy

Mickie Kennedy is founder of eReleases PR. In 1998, he struck out on his own to build a company that would give entrepreneurs, independent law firms, authors and small businesses access to top-level newswire and PR services — with a personal touch. Mickie lives in Baltimore County with his wife, son, daughter and two feuding cats. He enjoys British science fiction and acknowledges an unhealthy addiction to diet soda.

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