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Helpful and Engaging: The Importance of Your Law Firm’s Website Content

By Annette Choti

Why Is Content Important for Law Firm Websites? Your law firm’s website should provide answers to potential clients’ questions.

law firm website content

People recognize when they are being pitched a sale. They can overlook online ads and promotions to find the information they need online. With the right website content, you can answer their questions and produce measurable results for your firm.

It is essential to understand that prospective law firm clients want to learn about you as a lawyer before deciding to pursue your services. Showcase your firm’s expertise and answer clients’ questions. If you do a good job, they will be more likely to reach out when they decide to hire a lawyer.

Are There Best Practices for Creating Law Firm Website Content?

Effective website content reflects your firm’s brand, practice areas — and ideal clients. Your content may have several goals, depending on your marketing strategy. To be effective, your content should meet the following objectives:

  • Establish credibility.
  •  Increase brand awareness.
  •  Establish practice area leadership.
  •  Generate new leads.
  •  Use referral sources.

Potential clients want to hire resourceful and knowledgeable lawyers who can be trusted. One of the best ways to demonstrate this is with website content that provides answers to their questions. The content you write should be helpful and engaging; it should establish your lawyers as leaders in their fields.

Why Is Content Important for Law Firm Websites?

You may practice in areas of law that rely heavily on networking and referral sources, but you still need a strong content marketing strategy. Quality content is one of the best ways to generate leads: Your content will have a broader reach than other marketing strategies. It can bring organic search traffic to your website, which helps your website rank higher on search results pages.

While you could pay for advertisements that ensure your page will rank at the top of a Google search results page, most people scroll past those entries solely because they are advertisements. Paid search ads can also cost a significant amount of money and be ineffective. Quality content organically establishes you as a reputable source of information.

How to Create the Right Website Content for Your Ideal Client

The content you develop and publish needs to be the right content for your target audience. It needs to be helpful and easily accessible. Let us look at how to create the right content for your prospective clients.

Understand Your Target Audience

Creating content that reaches the people who need your services starts with determining that ideal client profile. Before beginning to create online content, you need to know who you are trying to attract. You can do this by creating a buyer persona for your ideal client. A buyer persona should include the following information:

  • Location
  • Pain points
  • Values
  • Finances
  • Legal category
  • Frequented social media platforms and websites

The more precisely you create the buyer persona for your firm’s ideal client, the more effective your content is.

Determine What You Should Write About

Once you understand who you are writing for, you need to determine how your ideal client will need your services. Take your buyer persona and contextualize their problems with storytelling. If you do not know where to start, consider your past clients’ experiences. What did they go through? How did they find you? What did they need from you? Were you able to help them? The answers to those questions will help you develop topics that will attract potential clients.

Determine Where to Publish Content

Once you have a solid understanding of your target audience and know what information they need, you need to think about where to publish that content. You will likely post on your website, social media platforms and other legal websites. Crafting your content for unique platforms takes time, as you will need to learn about and remember the preferred character count, image size, and the number of posts per day or week that is most efficient.

The most common platforms for law firms include:

  • Blogs
  • Social media posts
  • Legal industry websites
  • Video websites
  • Legal forums

When it comes to your law firm’s blog, you can rely on your buyer persona research to craft content that is valuable to those you want to reach. Remember to optimize your content for smartphones and tablets. Most people who reach out to you will find your services on those devices.

Start Guest Posting

Once you have firmly established yourself as a valuable content resource on your website and social media pages, it is time to consider posting your content on another blog. Target blogs that are well-read by your target audience.

Why bother? Posting on other reputable blogs provides backlinks to your website. Those backlinks boost your website’s authority and allow your webpages to rank higher in search results.

Law Firm Content Creation: Next Steps

The right website content can produce measurable results for your law firm. Through your content, you can generate leads that become new clients. You will also be building trust with your target audience, establishing credibility and increasing your visibility through organic searches. If you consistently share content that gives helpful information to those you wish to reach, you will be taking your marketing strategy in the right direction.

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Annette Choti Annette Choti

Annette Choti graduated from law school 20 years ago, and is the CEO and owner of Law Quill, a legal digital marketing agency focused on small and solo law firms. She is the author of “Click Magnet: The Ultimate Digital Marketing Guide for Law Firms” (2022). Annette used to do theater and professional comedy, which is not so different from the legal field if we are all being honest. She can be found on LinkedIn or at

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