Social media. A familiar topic for me, and a staple now at ABA TECHSHOW. I'd be remiss if I didn't say I walked into the session, "Social Media as Information Gathering Tool," a skeptic last week. Obviously, social media is an information ...
Gwynne Monahan - April 15, 2013Just kidding with the 999—though we could easily report on hundreds of ideas exchanged at the Legal Marketing Association Annual Conference this week in Las Vegas. More than 1,300 legal marketing professionals gathered there to share secrets and ...
Mark Beese - April 12, 2013Your clients have been talking about you since well before Al ... I mean Sir Tim ... brought us the global tubes. But the Internet continues to change the way those conversations spread. Admittedly, the process that people use to choose toasters ...
Gyi Tsakalakis - March 25, 2013After much shameless begging, unopened gift bottles of wine and several used game certificates for Dave and Buster’s, I have finally succumbed to writing a monthly column for Attorney at Work, which will replace the random collection of posts I ...
Jared Correia - March 13, 2013On the one hand, the social Internet has become perhaps the most revolutionary communications tool in human history. On the other, it has also been called "a shallow and unreliable electronic repository of dirty pictures, inaccurate rumors, bad ...
Gyi Tsakalakis - February 25, 2013It's a simple fact that being organically ranked number one on Google is still one of the most effective ways to drive traffic to your website. Even the savviest marketers may be unaware, though, that regular algorithm updates by the good folks ...
Brian Burt - February 18, 2013Last week, I had the absolute pleasure of speaking with social media entrepreneur and best-selling author Gary Vaynerchuk. If you haven’t read his book, The Thank You Economy, go read it. It’s fantastic. Gary —who has ...
Ruth Carter - February 12, 2013When I think about the changes to social media and social networking in the past year, a variety of changes come to mind. Facebook acquired Instagram. Twitter added cover photos. LinkedIn launched new company pages. Google integrated Google+ ...
Gyi Tsakalakis - January 28, 2013I confess that I am annoyed when people call Google+ a ghost town. I have to bite my tongue and crack my knuckles to avoid furious screaming and typing "You're doing it wrong!" But wait. Wait. Let me back up a step and explain what Google+ is: ...
Gwynne Monahan - January 22, 2013Tell the truth. You’re always on the lookout for a few really good marketing ideas. We all are. Even the world’s busiest lawyers are interested in the possibility of new (better!) clients. Because it is just so hard to go out looking for ...
The Editors - January 18, 2013