Lawyer Social Media

Engaging on Twitter: Be a Follower

In his much-anticipated ABA book Twitter in One Hour for Lawyers, Jared Correia says the best use of Twitter, and the one most calculated to drive your practice forward, is to engage with others with whom you share similar interests. One of the ...

Jared Correia - October 30, 2012
Marketing Tips from the ISBA Solo & Small Firm Conference

At solo and small firm conferences around the country, lawyers gather to polish their skills, learn about new technology—and pick up a marketing tip or two. At the Illinois State Bar Association's Annual Solo and Small Firm Conference last week, ...

Ellyn Caruso - September 20, 2012
Simplify Your Social Life with Livefyre

If you are hard at work building your online presence, with a website, a blog (or two) and social media accounts, soon you'll find that managing the "back end" can make you a little, well, batty. Preferences. Security settings. Passwords. ...

Gwynne Monahan - September 14, 2012
Grow Your Twitter Presence: 10 Tips

Here are a few tips to organically and meaningfully grow your Twitter presence.

Tim Baran - August 21, 2012
Why Skype? Get Google Hangouts

Google+ is Google’s effort to create a social media community. It seems like a lot of people have a Google+ account but don’t really use it. There is, though, one aspect of Google+ that differentiates it from the other social media sites and ...

Ruth Carter - July 20, 2012
Measuring Up on the InterWebs

I confess that writing a post about ways to measure social media performance took some thinking, mainly because I don’t put much stock in the typical metrics, like follower count. Getting people to follow you is easy. Getting people to engage ...

Gwynne Monahan - June 22, 2012
Should Lawyers Care About Klout Scores?

Attorney at Work has been after me for a post about Klout. Try as I might, the drafts are snarky. I simply can't get past my mantra: Until Klout replaces my credit score, I pay it little attention. I say "little attention" because rarely a day ...

Gwynne Monahan - May 14, 2012
Get Past Your Rookie Moves in Social Media

Once you get comfortable with social media, you'll no doubt chuckle at your early days—including the etiquette quandaries and minor panic attacks. (Will they know if I unfriend them? What was I thinking with that profile picture? I didn't know ...

Joan Feldman - May 4, 2012
Google Search Plus Your World, Part Two: Opportunity!

In part one of this two-part post, Jared Correia reviewed Google’s revised search protocol, represented as "Search Plus Your World"—how and why it works, and how to opt out if you prefer to keep your social media and search functions well ...

Jared Correia - April 3, 2012
Social Media and Marketing Advice for New Law Practices

Like most attorneys starting a new firm, I want to know the best way to build my reputation—and my client base—so I asked for some advice from Erika Napoletano and Ari Kaplan. Napoletano is Redhead Writing and author of the book, "The Power of ...

Ruth Carter - March 27, 2012

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