March 30th approaches! For the uninitiated—or those who've ignored the alerts Facebook has been sending—that's the day all Facebook business pages will switch to the new Timeline format. And, like it or not, if your law practice has a Facebook ...
Merrilyn Astin Tarlton - March 22, 2012The folks in the Mountain View studios of Google have been very busy of late, working out a number of new endeavors, including the launch of Google+, and the application of overarching revisions to the company’s privacy policy. The most ...
Jared Correia - March 20, 2012Lawyers attend conferences. Lawyers tweet. Much like chocolate and peanut butter, these are two great trends that, for the most part, have trended great together.The integration of the two phenomena was inevitable from the day Twitter made its ...
Jordan Furlong - March 8, 2012There's no reason a smaller firm's online marketing program can't be just as successful as a megafirm's—even with a much smaller budget. But it does require focus. No more knee-jerk decisions, no more keeping up with the Jones’s—and certainly no ...
Kim Proxmire - March 6, 2012If you’ve been out of the job market for a while and you’re thinking about jumping back in, it’s important to map out a strategy—and stick to it. In part one of this series, “Heading Back to Work: Preparing for Re-entry,” we ...
Marcia Pennington Shannon - February 29, 2012You’ve probably heard of the wildly popular Foursquare and Farmville, where users receive incentives to participate in activities. But the concept of gamification—the use of virtual rewards, levels and status to motivate certain ...
Josh King - February 28, 2012Andrea Cannavina has advice on how to be in this strange land of the internet, without being a stranger.
Andrea Cannavina - January 19, 2012The grumpy Gus in the crowd who resists creating a simple LinkedIn profile would be blown away by all the things you can do with this most popular of professional social networks. But you, savvy user that you are, are probably still overlooking ...
The Editors - January 13, 2012We’ve assembled the top marketing articles from the past 12 months of Attorney at Work—the ones readers told us helped them most, and the ones that generated the most “clicks”—into a handy downloadable guide to help get you rolling on your plans ...
The Editors - December 27, 2011As many of my email correspondents are aware, my personal Gmail account was recently hacked. I still have no idea how this happened. I am not in the habit of clicking on email attachments or browsing strange websites, and I use an extremely ...
Vivian Manning - November 30, 2011Sign up for our free newsletter.