If you are an established lawyer looking to grow your practice, or a young lawyer hoping to build a book of business for the long term, you should give serious consideration to writing a book. Why? There are few, if any, better marketing assets ...
Jay Harrington - May 29, 2022"Protector of athletes" Sivonnia DeBarrros on having the confidence to build a six-figure, woman-owned law firm — and five things you need to succeed in your niche.
Chere Estrin - March 23, 2022Jay Harrington | Five rules to building a personal brand that breaks through the noise.
Jay Harrington - March 7, 2022Nothing But the Ruth! | Outsourcing your blog requires real collaboration with your marketing team — including a crash course on your area of law.
Ruth Carter - December 13, 2021Melanie Lippman | Adding color to your black and gray closet is easier than you may think.
Melanie Lippman - September 30, 2021Tatia Gordon Troy | Many lawyers have learned to use their writing skills to reach a broader audience than those they serve every day — and create another stream of income.
Tatia Gordon-Troy - September 29, 2021Melanie Lippman | Getting dressed can feel overwhelming — but it doesn’t have to. Steps for creating your own personal style and wardrobe strategy.
Melanie Lippman - August 10, 2021Melanie Lippman | Getting dressed can feel overwhelming — but it doesn’t have to. Steps for creating your own personal style and wardrobe strategy.
Melanie Lippman - January 8, 2021How do you keep up with law firm marketing when the world is turned upside down? Here are our top 20 marketing and business development posts, written during a pandemic.
Joan Feldman - December 31, 2020Nothing But the Ruth! | After eight years on YouTube, Ruth Carter says creating videos isn't as difficult as lawyers think. Tips for getting views AND clients.
Ruth Carter - December 17, 2020