You At Work

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I was sitting in the middle of, quite possibly, the biggest trial of my firm’s history. The liability was golden. It was just a matter of how much we were going to win. To be specific, I was sitting in the middle of the courtroom. ...

William Melater - October 18, 2011
So You Want to be John Grisham

Ever notice that nearly every discussion of career alternatives for unemployed or dissatisfied JDs includes something like, “... just look at John Grisham!” Ah, yes, the life of a writer of fiction. The fame. The fortune. The movie stars! While ...

The Editors - October 14, 2011
T-Rex with open mouth jerks at work
Hey, Old Guys!

There's a scene in the movie "Men in Black" when Will Smith's character tries unsuccessfully to get the attention of his bosses, and finally succeeds when he bellows “Hey, Old Guys!” That's a familiar scene around my firm. No, I don't mean we ...

Otto Sorts - October 13, 2011
Your Daily Horoscope: Take Charge of Your Destiny

I read my horoscope this morning and here’s what it said: “Letting nature take its course is not advised. Passivity will bring unfavorable results. Take charge of your destiny.” You needn't be a Virgo (as I am) to see the good sense in that. ...

Marcia Pennington Shannon - October 12, 2011
A Cynic’s Guide to Pro Bono Work

Anyone who knows me knows I haven’t figured out what I want to be when I grow up. I just haven’t found that single passion to follow. Another thing: I was described as “old and cynical” when I was only 26. So, why listen to anything I have to ...

Julie Carroll - October 4, 2011
Resume Infographic Magic: Canva

So here’s a fun—and potentially very powerful—thing to do: Hop over to and create an infographic resume for yourself. The result, I think you’ll agree, is high on the cool spectrum. Even better, it's low on the difficulty scale.

Merrilyn Astin Tarlton - October 3, 2011
The Law School Question

The news is bleaker not better since we asked the "Should I Go to Law School" question here last year. So, when a good friend told us her brilliant daughter was considering pursuing a JD, we began desperately rattling off statistics, warning ...

The Editors - September 30, 2011
Keep Your Seat When Applying Electronically

Job hunting best-case scenario? A friend or colleague introduces you to an employer who wants to hire you. The more likely scenario? You’re going to have to dive onto the Internet with the rest of the searchers and file many, ...

Wendy Werner - September 29, 2011
Getting Your Words In Order

It's true, writing is a lawyer’s primary tool and a great source of pride and identity. But isn’t it also true that once in a while a teensy-weensy wisp of doubt creeps in? In the grip of writer's block, you fixate on memories of those ...

The Editors - September 23, 2011
T-Rex with open mouth jerks at work
High Five the Legal Profession

When my kid played soccer, there was a ritual at the end of every game. Each team would line up single-file, facing in opposite directions, then walk by the entire other team and slap each kid’s hand as a show of good ...

Otto Sorts - September 20, 2011

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