Yes, it seems we’ve been talking about the big changes coming to the legal profession for a very long time. But when the shift starts making headlines in the general media, it begins to seem more real. When academia begins to roil, you know ...
The Editors - February 3, 2014Jared Correia |Client engagement agreements, or fee agreements, are an underused tool in a lawyer's arsenal. Here are 5 smart upgrades
Jared Correia - August 28, 2013Wise lawyers know that contemporaneous timekeeping is essential to the success of any fee arrangement—and to the overall financial success of your law firm. Lawyers who reconstruct their time weekly tend to lose 25 to 30 percent of their time, ...
Frederick J. Esposito Jr. - June 14, 2013It's been four years since the start of the great recession (or “lesser depression”) and business owners are acknowledging that recovery is going to be a long, slow process. With no springboard in sight, some economists are calling for another ...
Michael Baker - November 20, 2012If you read my post on "How Hourly Billing Kills Law Firms," maybe you’ve been inspired to figure out how to price certain legal services based on their value to a client, not the number of hours you spent. Now all you have to do is figure out ...
Antigone Peyton - October 11, 2012Lawyers have been talking about and wrestling with “alternative billing methods” or "alternative fee agreements" for a decade or more. Recently, however, the conversation has shifted to “value billing.” Well, that’s a concept we can get ...
Antigone Peyton - September 25, 2012It would be great if collecting accounts receivable from clients just happened, like clockwork, once you sent off the bill. As you've likely discovered, however, the money doesn't come rolling in automatically. Technology tools can help, of ...
Kevin Harris - July 10, 2012Every business has to generate cash to survive, whether you run a Fortune 500 company or a shaved ice stand—or a law practice. Most businesses pay expenses well in advance of delivering services and then invoicing the client. Accounting for the ...
Michael Baker - June 18, 2012In part one of this series on how to use project management software to manage people, Brett Owens started simple with some easy-to-use, off-the-shelf apps—Workflowy and Basecamp. In part two, Brett shows us how delegation and collaboration ...
Brett Owens - May 2, 2012You're a new lawyer, launching a new law firm. How do you decide what your hourly rate will be? The ethics rules say that your rate must be "reasonable." That doesn’t give you much to go on. You know your rate should be a fair price for the ...
Ruth Carter - February 15, 2012Sign up for our free newsletter.