It’s almost a certainty that, at some point, every lawyer will have an unhappy client. In his seminal research on loyalty, business strategist Frederick Reichheld concluded that simply satisfying clients is not enough to retain them. Research ...
Sally J. Schmidt - June 12, 2022We can't alleviate all the stressors felt by our clients in the course of their legal matters, but when lawyers, law firms and clients work together, the stress can be reduced and effectively managed.
Jamie Spannhake - May 28, 2022Gerry Riskin | Although certain things clients say are sure to get your dander up, I respectfully suggest you put the sword away and resist the impulse to parry and thrust.
Gerry Riskin - May 28, 2022These are not situations to be won or lost. When clients get mad, you can only claim success when you calm them and neutralize the conflict.
Merrilyn Astin Tarlton - May 28, 2022It's one of the fundamentals they drummed into you in law school: It is your job to know the answers. That's why clients seek your help, right? How you prove you are smart, and why they pay your bills? Well, yes and no. In many cases, it's less ...
Merrilyn Astin Tarlton - May 20, 2022Bruce Hennes | Why we instituted a premium for helping clients outside normal work hours.
Bruce Hennes - April 12, 2022You may recall this LexisNexis report: “Law Firm Billing Survey: Collections Conversations Leave Lawyers Uncomfortable.” Duh. In what industry is a "collections conversation" a comfortable thing?
Jim Turner - March 20, 2022A practical list of how-tos for creating a more caring emotional culture for your firm.
Christy Cassisa - February 10, 2022Product Review | This Ruby product review highlights a variety of new intake pathways and shows the expansion of Ruby's Integrated Partnerships, into 2022.
Jared Correia - February 6, 2022Product Review | Case Status software's new SMS for Legal helps law firms easily (and securely) text with clients as part of their case workflow.
Jared Correia - October 25, 2021Sign up for our free newsletter.