Ask the Experts

How to Avoid Getting Hooked by Phishing Scams
How to Avoid Getting Hooked by Phishing Scams

"What are the best, and preferably affordable, ways to protect our office, and in turn protect our clients, from phishing scams and other online threats?"

Mark C. Palmer - March 28, 2019
jury research
Is Jury Research on Social Media an Ethics Risk or a Competency Requirement?

During a recent jury trial, counsel was provided with completed jury questionnaires including names, ages, home addresses and places of employment. In addition to using traditional research techniques found in public records, to what extent may ...

Mark C. Palmer - January 23, 2018
Communicating with Millennials: What’s the Preference?

Question: "A growing number of millennials are joining older generations in law firms. What are generational communication differences, why do they matter, and can understanding them improve performance across our firm?" In this ...

Jonathan Fitzgarrald - March 29, 2017
Getting Your Foot in the Door

Aleisha Gravit answers the question, "How can I get my foot in the door to meet with a potential client?"

Aleisha Gravit - September 12, 2016
What to Do When You Can’t Afford a Marketing Director

This month's big question: "We’re a small firm and can’t afford to hire a full-time marketing director. Are there other options we should consider?" Of course there are. And in this edition of "Ask the Experts from the Legal Marketing ...

The Editors - August 9, 2016
I Want My Law Partner to Cross-Sell Me!

Question: How can I get my partner to cross-sell me to her great contacts? One of the toughest nuts to crack in a law firm is getting that important introduction to someone else's client. You know they need your expertise ...

The Editors - July 12, 2016
Are Print Brochures Dead?

Question: Do lawyers use print brochures anymore? I’d like to avoid that expense and get by with PDFs online. In this month's edition of "Ask the Experts from the Legal Marketing Association," LMA Hall of Famer ...

The Editors - May 31, 2016
blog metrics
How Am I Doing? Tools to Track Your Legal Blog

Question: Are there tools available to help me see how many people are reading my blog? Are there standards to judge its success? In this month's "Ask the Experts from the Legal Marketing Association," ...

The Editors - April 28, 2016
My Secretary Is Absent a Lot

Question: My secretary is sick and absent from work a lot. Yet I need someone here every day to help me. What can I do? If your assistant is missing in action more than you like, you can find yourself in a ...

The Editors - January 25, 2016
Everybody’s Talking About Content Marketing

In this edition of "Ask the Experts from the Legal Marketing Association," Elizabeth Lampert, Jeff Scalzi and Katie Gilmore answer the question, "Where does content marketing fit in the law firm?" Read their answers for ways ...

The Editors - January 11, 2016

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