The Friday Five

Good For You

By The Editors

Even Ironman needs a little maintenance. So today’s Friday Five offers a handful of basic suggestions for ways you can keep things tuned up and running great. If not for yourself, for your clients and your family. It’s important.

1. Nutrition. Okay, you know how to eat right, but since you rarely actually do, maybe you need a refresher? Instead of relying on the morning news for this week’s new superfood, spend a few minutes with the what-you-should-eat part of the Harvard School of Public Health’s website. Remember the pyramid?

2. Water. There’s virtually nothing that isn’t improved by upping your water consumption. Slow memory? High blood pressure? Painful joints? Raise the water glass a bit more often and you’ll ramp up both your health and appearance. Don’t take our word for it, check the Livestrong Foundation’s series of articles on water and hydration.

3. Exercise. If anyone knows best about the link between physical activity and health, it is the Mayo Clinic. Check out their Seven Benefits of Regular Activity for some encouraging words on taking yourself out for a spin. It’s just one of e-volumes of resources to guide your personal exercise program.

4. Vacation. They say a vacation is what you take when you can’t take what you’ve been taking any longer. Don’t wait that long! Take preventative vacations. If you’re looking for justification (and who isn’t?) check out 7 Benefits of Taking a Vacation and How to Do It or 10 Reasons Entrepreneurs Should Take More Vacations. Want to get really radical? See The Case for Unlimited Vacation Time.

5. Meditation. Just think about it—pun intended! What if you took 15 undisturbed minutes each morning to quiet your mind and prepare for the day? Are you thinking all that airy-fairy stuff  isn’t compatible with the practice of law? The hell you say! Take a look at the Center for Contemplative Mind in Society—The Law Program. Then contemplate Stephanie West Allen’s comprehensive list of resources for contemplative lawyers.

There are so many more good ideas for taking care of yourself. Laugh. Hang with friends. Volunteer. Plant something. Start somewhere, and just begin. It will be good for you!

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