Law Firm People Management

law firm performance reviews
What Good Are Law Firm Performance Reviews?

Our law firm has tried many different formats for performance reviews, but often we find we are doing reviews just to do reviews. In most cases, it's merely a repeat of the year before. Do you feel annual reviews are worthwhile? What is the best ...

The Editors - May 30, 2022
effective meetings
Five Ways to Make Meetings Matter

Here are five ways high-performing organizations run more productive meetings.

Elise Keith - May 18, 2022
talent retention strategy
How Can You Keep the Best People?

Turnover of lawyers and staff is a frustrating and costly problem for firms of all sizes. What can you do to keep people from leaving? Are there any best practices for retaining your best and brightest employees? In this edition of "Ask the ...

The Editors - April 26, 2022
how to give tough feedback
How to Give Tough Feedback

Merrilyn Astin Tarlton | Instead of going into full-on Godzilla mode when giving tough feedack, try something that actually works.

Merrilyn Astin Tarlton - March 24, 2022
man holds onto light pole law firm leaders
How Crises Affect Law Firm Leaders — and Some Helpful Resources

Gina Rubel | I’ve been thinking about what it means to lead a company through crises and how each crisis affects law firm leaders.

Gina Rubel - March 3, 2022
10 Strategies for Bringing More Love into Your Law Practice

A practical list of how-tos for creating a more caring emotional culture for your firm.

Christy Cassisa - February 10, 2022
Stinson’s Well-Being Committee Steps Up During the Pandemic

Stinson's Director of Well-Being, Krista Larson, describes programs in place to support personnel.

Krista Larson - November 10, 2021
admin assistants
Let Lawyers Lawyer: Tech Doesn’t Replace Your Admin Assistants

Andrea Cannavina | Lawyers, you make money for your firm when you draft but cost the firm when you do admin work.

Andrea Cannavina - November 5, 2021
what is servant leadership
What Is Servant Leadership? The Benefits for Lawyers

Tatia Troy | "Servant leader" is a phrase we’re hearing a lot these days as businesses grapple with managing a hybrid workforce.

Tatia Gordon-Troy - November 3, 2021
design thinking
Retirement: A Time for Jubilación

Ida O. Abbott | When you approach retirement as a lifelong adventure, it can be a constant source of rejoicing. Here's how design thinking gets you there.

Ida O. Abbott - August 30, 2021

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