Merrilyn Astin Tarlton | Instead of going into full-on Godzilla mode when giving tough feedack, try something that actually works.
Merrilyn Astin Tarlton - March 24, 2022Gina Rubel | I’ve been thinking about what it means to lead a company through crises and how each crisis affects law firm leaders.
Gina Rubel - March 3, 2022A practical list of how-tos for creating a more caring emotional culture for your firm.
Christy Cassisa - February 10, 2022Stinson's Director of Well-Being, Krista Larson, describes programs in place to support personnel.
Krista Larson - November 10, 2021Andrea Cannavina | Lawyers, you make money for your firm when you draft but cost the firm when you do admin work.
Andrea Cannavina - November 5, 2021Tatia Troy | "Servant leader" is a phrase we’re hearing a lot these days as businesses grapple with managing a hybrid workforce.
Tatia Gordon-Troy - November 3, 2021Ida O. Abbott | When you approach retirement as a lifelong adventure, it can be a constant source of rejoicing. Here's how design thinking gets you there.
Ida O. Abbott - August 30, 2021You don’t have to increase headcount to level up the expertise of your team. Think of staffing strategies using contract attorneys.
Leslie Firtell - August 26, 2021Book Review | Written by Tom Lenfestey and Camille Stell, "Designing a Succession Plan for Your Law Practice" explains what you need to know and do to prepare for your eventual departure.
Ida O. Abbott - August 5, 2021Tatia Troy | Is it possible to ensure a safe, collaborative, happy return that works for everyone, including clients?
Tatia Gordon-Troy - July 21, 2021Sign up for our free newsletter.