Clio-using lawyers get paid on the same day they issue a bill. Most law firms wait an average of three months for clients to pay their bills. Clio-using lawyers have an advantage over these law firms because they don’t have to spend time ...
Joshua Lenon - May 27, 2016Lawyers typically hate numbers like cats hate water (or Larry Port - December 14, 2015
Sometimes the most profound lessons arise from the simplest of exchanges. So it was for a young Jordan Furlong in the early days of his career as an adventurous service provider. He says the best pricing advice he ever received came from an ...
Jordan Furlong - June 25, 2015Hourly billing actually did not become of age in the legal profession until the 1950s, after a series of reports showed that firms that charged by the hour were more profitable than those that charged on the basis of the service sold. Those ...
Peggy Gruenke - April 3, 2015Many lawyers are uncomfortable discussing money with clients or prospects. Yet without a discussion about fees, it is unlikely you will get the business.
Sally J. Schmidt - January 27, 2015As part of your law firm's strategy, you want (ideally) to align your pricing methods, metrics and communications with your clients' value proposition.
Frederick J. Esposito Jr. - January 9, 2015Nobody likes talking about money with clients. Nobody. But the conversation gets a whole lot easier when you are confident in what you do, and what you're worth. Right? Maintaining the needed level of self-assurance, though, might be the hardest ...
Joan Feldman - July 3, 2014Practice innovation — at least in terms of pricing, project management and process improvement (the three "P's") — is the focus of the Legal Marketing Association’s P3 Conference, which just wrapped its second year. We asked Steve Nelson to ...
Steve Nelson - June 20, 2014Accepting credit cards is just about the easiest way to ensure clients have no excuse not to pay your bills.
Megan Zavieh - June 18, 2014All it takes is a quick eye-popping view of Riverview Law’s television campaign to understand the disruptive force of this InnovAction Award-winning U.K. firm. For law firms stuck on the billable hour, it's likely to be indigestion-inducing. ...
Andy Daws - March 21, 2014