Law Firm Pricing

Make It Easier to Get Paid with Clio’s New Trust Requests Feature

Clio-using lawyers get paid on the same day they issue a bill. Most law firms wait an average of three months for clients to pay their bills. Clio-using lawyers have an advantage over these law firms because they don’t have to spend time ...

Joshua Lenon - May 27, 2016
Nine Vital Numbers for Your Law Firm’s Health

Lawyers typically hate numbers like cats hate water (or  Larry Port - December 14, 2015

setting fees
The Best Pricing Advice I Ever Received

Sometimes the most profound lessons arise from the simplest of exchanges. So it was for a young Jordan Furlong in the early days of his career as an adventurous service provider. He says the best pricing advice he ever received came from an ...

Jordan Furlong - June 25, 2015
Take the Guesswork Out of Flat Fees

Hourly billing actually did not become of age in the legal profession until the 1950s, after a series of reports showed that firms that charged by the hour were more profitable than those that charged on the basis of the service sold. Those ...

Peggy Gruenke - April 3, 2015
lawyer rates
Lawyer Rates: Addressing Pricing Questions

Many lawyers are uncomfortable discussing money with clients or prospects. Yet without a discussion about fees, it is unlikely you will get the business.

Sally J. Schmidt - January 27, 2015
raising fees
Don’t Lose Your Shirt When Increasing Your Fees

As part of your law firm's strategy, you want (ideally) to align your pricing methods, metrics and communications with your clients' value proposition.

Frederick J. Esposito Jr. - January 9, 2015
Pricing Lessons from Summer Camp

Nobody likes talking about money with clients. Nobody. But the conversation gets a whole lot easier when you are confident in what you do, and what you're worth. Right? Maintaining the needed level of self-assurance, though, might be the hardest ...

Joan Feldman - July 3, 2014
Friday Five
Trends in Legal Pricing and Project Management

Practice innovation — at least in terms of pricing, project management and process improvement (the three "P's") — is the focus of the Legal Marketing Association’s P3 Conference, which just wrapped its second year. We asked Steve Nelson to ...

Steve Nelson - June 20, 2014
On Balance by Megan Zavieh
Credit Cards: Worth It to Work It Out

Accepting credit cards is just about the easiest way to ensure clients have no excuse not to pay your bills.

Megan Zavieh - June 18, 2014
Five Questions About Fixed Fees You’re Afraid to Ask

All it takes is a quick eye-popping view of Riverview Law’s television campaign to understand the disruptive force of this InnovAction Award-winning U.K. firm. For law firms stuck on the billable hour, it's likely to be indigestion-inducing. ...

Andy Daws - March 21, 2014

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