They’ve Got Something to Say

By The Editors

Every few weeks we try to catch up with our Attorney at Work Advisors—a sometimes difficult task with these hardworking superstars! But some of them are well-known bloggers, so for this week’s Friday Five we’re recommending that you sample a few of their particularly interesting recent posts—and some awesome tips—from around the blogosphere. Enjoy!

1. Politeness matters. Jordan Furlong wrote a particularly captivating post on Stem Legal’s Law Firm Web Strategy blog that can help you navigate those awkward “connect” and “friend” requests. You’ll want to read “Politeness Please: Etiquette for LinkedIn and Facebook Connections” before you send another social request.

2. Boost your online profile. Steve Matthews, Stem Legal founder, contributed a great post to the new Small Firm Innovation blog, “Elevate Your Game: Building Profile Online for Solo Attorneys and Small Firms.” Implementing even a few of his 10 tips will, as Steve says, “greatly advance the online brand and profile of any small law firm.” So pick one today and get started!

3. How exposed are you? Dan Pinnington is a prolific writer known for his practical legal tech and social media tips and malpractice prevention advice. Today we point you to his Slaw post, “Five Activities Generally Not Covered by Your Malpractice Policy.” While directly related to the Canadian LawPro policy, the five things to avoid are a great first line of defense against malpractice claims, regardless of where you practice.

4.  Secrets from the Genius Bar. Burkey Belser, Creative Director of Greenfield/Belser Ltd., has built an international reputation as the go-to guy for law firm branding. Last week he shared a few cogent observations about branding, prompted by JCPenney’s hiring of the genius behind the Genius Bar at Apple stores. His “Brand Design, Apple Style” is sure to spur some original thinking about your firm marketing.

5.  A clean start. Tom Mighell, notable legal technology and iPad blogger, officially unveiled his new and improved Inter Alia blog this month. Check out his four snappy tips for Microsoft Word in “Help Desk: Microsft Word Tips” (Shift+F7!) and this week’s handy tips for cleaning out the gunk in your keyboard. Your input devices will thank you.

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