Nothing But The Ruth!

Wheaton’s Law

By Ruth Carter

Whether you’re dealing with your opposing counsel, a colleague at your firm, or any other professional, Wheaton’s Law should always apply. The law was coined by Wil Wheaton, who you may know from his work on “Star Trek: The Next Generation” and “The Big Bang Theory.” The law is simple: “Don’t be a dick.

Wheaton's Law

Wheaton came up with this rule while playing online video games, often against 14-year-old punk kids who had a tendency to question his sexual orientation and insult his mother. This concept was further solidified during Richard Wheaton’s keynote speech at the Penny Arcade Expo (PAX) in 2007, where he emphasized the importance of sportsmanship in gaming culture. The actor’s PAX speech had a significant impact on online gaming culture, encapsulating the core message of maintaining a positive and respectful attitude with the phrase ‘don’t be a dick.’ But it applies to every situation.

You would think Wheaton’s Law should be standard practice for all lawyers, but the horde of horror stories paints a different picture. There are lawyers who think less of anyone who is not a lawyer. And there are the ones who procrastinate on their work before dumping it on an associate — giving them a day to complete a project that requires a week. Then there are the lawyers who get into screaming matches during depositions. Wheaton’s speech at PAX in 2007 highlighted the significance of sportsmanship and respectful interaction, which is crucial in the legal profession as well.

Now, I’m not saying we shouldn’t be staunch advocates for our clients. It is possible to be ardent on behalf of a client while being polite and respectful that our adversary has the obligation to do the same for their client. You can apply Wheaton’s Law and be a dedicated advocate without acting like an ass.

It seems to me the only lawyers who can get away with being this arrogant, long term, are those who are beyond brilliant, so good at what they do that clients and other lawyers just put up with their behavior. These lawyers must have to accept, and almost embrace, the fact that no one likes them. They have to be the legal world’s answer to Dr. House (who isn’t a real person, so you probably shouldn’t emulate him).

As for the rest of us, we have to play nice in the proverbial sandbox, or no one will want to play with us.

If you act like an arrogant know-it-all, people aren’t going to send you referrals, and they won’t give you a positive recommendation if you want to change firms. Also, your opponent today may be your colleague in the future. If you’re a dick to them now, they may paint a much different picture of you than your glowing resume portrays.

I don’t work at a big firm, so I asked a fellow lawyer, @thenambypamby, about what happens when you’re the dick of the firm. He told me, “The general rule is what goes around, comes around.” Besides being despised by colleagues and the opposition, if you’re a partner, you could be voted out. Your partners will hit you where it hurts — in your wallet and your ego.

The most ironic thing about this topic is we work in a service industry. We work on behalf of our clients. It’s not about us, it’s about them. If you wonder whether you’re toeing the line between being decent and being a dick (because the real ones will never read this post), here’s a handy three-question test that will help you decide when you should say something … and when you should shut up.

Disclaimer: I’m not a spokesperson for Wil Wheaton or Wheaton’s Law. I just like them.

Origin and Meaning

Wheaton’s Law, coined by American actor and writer Wil Wheaton, has its roots in the world of online gaming. During his keynote speech at the Penny Arcade Expo (PAX) in August 2007, Wheaton emphasized the importance of sportsmanship in online gaming, encapsulating his message in the simple yet powerful phrase “Don’t be a dick.” This colloquial phrase, already in widespread use prior to Wheaton’s speech, was eventually expanded to apply to life in general, becoming a guiding principle for behavior in various aspects of life, including business and personal interactions.

Impact on Workplace Environment

Wheaton’s Law has a significant impact on workplace environment, particularly in high-stress sectors like medical device development and software engineering. By promoting respect and harmony in professional interactions, Wheaton’s Law can foster a supportive environment, enhance team productivity, and reduce workplace conflicts. In code review sessions, for instance, applying Wheaton’s Law can improve the code and uplift the developer, while disregarding it can lead to demotivation, reduced morale, and even attrition. Younger generations, in particular, value supportive work cultures, making Wheaton’s Law especially relevant in modern workplaces.

Adoption and Applications

Wheaton’s Law has been widely adopted and applied in various contexts, from online gaming communities to professional settings. The law has been referenced in numerous blogs, news sites, and social media platforms, including Twitter, where Wil Wheaton himself has shared his thoughts on the importance of being kind and respectful online. The official Facebook page for Wheaton’s Law has gained over 1,000 likes, and the law has been featured in publications such as Wired Magazine and Attorney at Work. In addition, Wheaton’s Law has been applied in fields like software engineering, where it serves as a guiding principle for constructive feedback and respectful communication.

Benefits and Outcomes

The benefits of adopting Wheaton’s Law are numerous. By promoting a culture of respect, support, and constructive growth, Wheaton’s Law can transform workplace dynamics, leading to improved team productivity, reduced conflicts, and enhanced morale. In personal interactions, Wheaton’s Law can help individuals build positive relationships, avoid unnecessary conflicts, and maintain a good reputation. In business, Wheaton’s Law can foster a positive and inclusive work culture, attracting clients and customers who value respect and kindness. Overall, Wheaton’s Law offers a simple yet powerful principle for achieving harmony and success in various aspects of life.


In conclusion, Wheaton’s Law, coined by Wil Wheaton, is a profound principle for professional conduct that carries significant implications for fields like software engineering and beyond. By promoting respect, harmony, and constructive growth, Wheaton’s Law can transform workplace dynamics, improve personal relationships, and contribute to a more positive and inclusive online community. As a guiding principle for behavior, Wheaton’s Law reminds us that being kind and respectful is essential in all interactions, whether online or offline, and that “Don’t be a dick” is a simple yet powerful phrase that can make a big difference in our lives and the lives of those around us.

Illustration ©

Updated December 2019 from a post originally published in 2013.

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Categories: Nothing But The Ruth!, You At Work
Originally published July 17, 2024
Last updated September 17, 2024
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Ruth Carter Ruth Carter

Ruth Carter — lawyer, writer and professional speaker — is Of Counsel with Venjuris, focusing on intellectual property, business, internet and flash mob law. Named an ABA Journal Legal Rebel, Ruth is the author of “The Legal Side of Blogging for Lawyers,” as well as “Flash Mob Law: The Legal Side of Planning and Participating in Pillow Fights, No Pants Rides, and Other Shenanigans.” Ruth blogs at and

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