Law Ruler April 2024
Ready Set Scale 770

Attorney Client Relations

Dressed Down: What Does Being ‘Professional’ Really Mean?

It’s something you hear when you’re starting your career (and something you’ll hear constantly, throughout your career, if you’re a nonconformist): "You have to be more professional." Of course, that begs the question, just how does one "be ...

Jared Correia - July 9, 2015
Well Said in a speech bubble
How to Stimulate Referrals from Every Matter

It's not that we want to put words in your mouth. But it has come to our attention that sometimes people struggle with what to say when they ask for work, or try to deliver a specific business development (sales!) message. Business ...

Mike O'Horo - June 1, 2015
client service
Positive Client Experience? How to Improve Hospitality in the Office

“I’m tired of hearing about ‘improving the client experience.’ People come to me because I do excellent work. They don’t care if I’m nice.” Might sound familiar, but it’s only half right. Your clients expect you to do your ...

Mary Lokensgard - May 21, 2015
Decision Making
Helping Others to Choose Well

An important client texts you for advice on a critical decision, apologizing that circumstances don’t permit a better means of communication. You can’t see or hear each other, and time is of the essence. The decision can’t be deferred. A poor ...

Marc Lauritsen - May 19, 2015
law firm building
20 Law Practice Empowerment Tips

At the American Bar Association's annual GPSolo National Solo and Small Firm Conference in October, practice management experts Peggy Gruenke and Alan Klevan presented "60 Practice Empowerment Tips in 60 Minutes"

Peggy Gruenke - November 18, 2014
Nothing But the Ruth
Boldly Go Where No Firm Has Gone Before — With Your Holiday Card

A holiday card catalog arrived in the mail a few weeks ago. I’m mostly a holiday purist who believes that you shouldn’t start celebrating the December holidays until after Thanksgiving. However, there are exceptions when holiday activities ...

Ruth Carter - October 9, 2014
Client Service
Think Like a Client: Mind the Gap

Let’s face it: Lawyers don’t think, talk or write like regular people. We’re trained not to. The systems we work in are bewildering. The language we speak is full of specialized terms. The documents we create are both written in our language and ...

Mary Lokensgard - September 16, 2014
Civility: Why It’s Critical to Keep Your Cool

Find yourself feeling irritated? Frustrated? Downright grind-your-teeth angry? Maybe you skipped breakfast. And lunch. Maybe your spouse was nasty to you at dinner last night. Maybe you can't stand the way opposing counsel flagrantly ...

Ryan Sullivan - June 12, 2014
Attorney at Work Friday Five
The Five Clients You Meet In Hell

Mitch Albom, who has been regularly employed as a sportswriter for the Detroit Free Press, has written songs for Warren Zevon and penned a few books, one of which is "The Five People You Meet in Heaven." Now, I’ve never read that book (per my ...

Jared Correia - May 23, 2014
Shrink to Grow Your Law Practice

To grow your law practice, you have to get more clients, right? But is that really the best growth strategy? Not necessarily. For many law firms, the right strategy is to get better, not bigger. Pursuing growth — more clients, more billable ...

Jay Harrington - April 24, 2014

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