My last post on managing aggressive clients discussed the importance of your "first response." Now we forge bravely ahead to using your physical environment to your advantage. Aggressive clients need to know that while they are under your roof, ...
Ryan Sullivan - February 4, 2014There's no getting around it. As a lawyer, you must be able to meet the gaze of everyone you speak to, and you should always make eye contact when addressing an audience. Easy to say, of course, but somewhat harder to execute. I’ve heard lots ...
Marsha Hunter - January 23, 2014When you are paid to argue for a living, it’s pretty much a given that your job description will encompass some teeth-gnashing, hand-wringing and good old-fashioned tantrum-throwing. But even though a lawyer's world can be filled with anger, it ...
Ryan Sullivan - January 7, 2014A lot of lawyers spend good money to generate leads for new business through marketing, advertising, promotions and networking, in both online or offline venues. But much of that money is lost because of inconsistent and unsystematic intake when ...
Ryan Pitz - January 2, 2014Want your clients to be more open and honest with you? Make them feel at home. Sounds simple enough. A warm smile, an inviting office, and you should be all set! But what if their first interaction with your firm is over the phone? How do you ...
Katie Wilson - December 5, 2013The needy client is a multifaceted and challenging customer, usually driven by the forces of overwhelming anxiety. Although they appear in different guises, your rudimentary needy client is easy to recognize based on the unusually large number ...
Ryan Sullivan - December 4, 2013In his post last week, Joshua Lenon homed in on the "First Question to Ask a Client." So, at the other end of the process, when you've wrapped ...
Joshua Lenon - November 26, 2013I'm frequently asked how much a law firm — especially a small law firm — should spend on advertising. The cost of advertising will differ for every law firm, of course. Advertising costs will be based on the firm's location and size, and even ...
Joshua Lenon - November 19, 2013There is significant debate in law firms about whether to produce electronic holiday cards or mail a printed card to clients. People want to know what works best so, in the absence of any definitive research, I took an online poll to find out ...
Bob Weiss - November 11, 2013Ryan Sullivan | Tips to prevent or (if need be) alleviate a client's anger over a not-so-happy ending.
Ryan Sullivan - November 7, 2013