In the legal industry, a crushing workload is often the norm. The transition from law school to the real-world pressures faced by new lawyers can be daunting, as the optimism of aspiring lawyers quickly meets the harsh reality of long hours and heavy caseloads.
Working long hours on multiple matters — feeling you can never catch up, much less get ahead — is “just the way it is.” But does it have to be? Is the “norm” really a normal amount of work?

Key Takeaways
- Recognize and Act on Burnout: As a lawyer, you need to spot the signs of burnout early—chronic fatigue, decreased productivity and increased stress. Taking proactive steps to manage your workload and stress will prevent serious health problems and improve overall well-being.
- Workload Management: Assess and prioritize tasks, set boundaries and use internal resources like mentorship programs and wellbeing initiatives to reduce stress. Lawyers who work smarter can have a better work-life balance and a successful career.
- Build a Support Network: A support network both within and outside the law is crucial. Joining professional associations, volunteering and pursuing hobbies will give you a sense of community, purpose and personal satisfaction and reduce feelings of loneliness.
A Plan for Change in Your Law Firm, for Everyone’s Benefit
How do you know if you are overworked by your supervising attorney? When you are being asked to do the impossible, do you feel you need to try because there’s nothing else to do about it? New associates in a law practice often face these challenges, feeling the need to prove themselves and take on excessive responsibilities. If you find yourself overworked and overwhelmed, here are questions to ask yourself and steps to take to make a change.
1. Is the Overwork Situation Acute (Temporary) or Chronic (Long-term)?
An acute situation comes on suddenly and doesn’t last long. The acute workload could, for example, involve responding to a temporary restraining order unexpectedly filed against your client. Chronic situations come on more gradually and last a long time. For example, you have a reasonable workload with seven clients, but then you take on two more matters, which makes you feel stressed. Two weeks later, another matter is assigned to you and the overwhelm and dread set in, with no end in sight.
If your long hours are chronic, you will need to take some action to change things. If the problem is acute, you can decide to push through, or you can make some changes to help you weather the excess workload. (How to make those changes is explored below.)
2. Are You Showing Signs of Burnout?
Burnout is a widespread issue among lawyers. It can show up in many ways, and it’s important to recognize the signs of burnout early to avoid serious health problems. Here are some common signs:
- Chronic Fatigue: Despite getting enough sleep, you’re always tired. This tiredness can affect your ability to focus and perform in your legal work.
- Decreased Productivity: You can’t get tasks done, meet deadlines and maintain the level of work expected in the legal profession.
- Increased Stress: Feeling overwhelmed, anxious or irritable can spill over into your personal life and affect relationships with family and friends.
- Physical Symptoms: Prolonged stress can lead to physical symptoms like headaches, stomach problems or other issues, that your body is under too much pressure.
- Loss of Motivation: You feel disconnected from your work, lack enthusiasm, and can’t find meaning in your tasks, which can be particularly tough for young lawyers trying to build successful legal careers.
Recognizing these signs is the first step toward addressing the root causes of stress and taking proactive measures to improve one’s well-being.
3. What’s Not Getting Done?
Look at your professional and personal life. What really important items are sitting unaddressed on the “to-do” list?
- Are there invoices that have not been reviewed and sent to clients?
- Is there a status update for a big client with no pressing deadline, but that really should have gone out two weeks ago?
- Have you missed dinner with your family too many nights in a row?
- When was the last time you exercised or got a full eight hours of sleep?
Some things on our to-do lists can remain there indefinitely and it doesn’t matter much. Other things are important and not handling them can cause problems. Assess whether what’s not being done is important and consider the consequences of continuing to neglect them.
4. Why Do You Feel Stressed?
Sometimes, we are asked to take on responsibilities slightly beyond our capabilities, and we have to stretch our skills. Good supervisors may ask you to take on a new kind of task when they know it is the next reasonable step in your career growth. This can be a great way to improve, provided you receive the support that allows you to succeed. In fact, one thing I really liked about being a junior associate in a law firm was that someone asked me to do something every day that I had never done before. Stressful? Yes. Unreasonable? No.
However, if you are “thrown to the wolves” with little guidance, you need to advocate for the support you need: a discussion, a template, an example or the like. If you feel overwhelmed because you don’t feel ready for the work, take a step back and confidently assess whether you will be able to handle the task based on your experience and the resources available to you.
On the other hand, if you are feeling overwhelmed because there are too many tasks to complete in the amount of time you have been given, perhaps you are being asked to do too much simultaneously. Do a calculation:
- Make a list of all your work responsibilities and tasks.
- Reasonably estimate the number of hours to complete them.
- Assess whether it is possible to do all the tasks by the deadlines.
If you are being asked to do the impossible — or even the really difficult — you will need to make a plan and talk to your boss.
5. Assessing Your Workload and Work Environment
Assessing your workload and work environment is essential to identify areas contributing to your feelings of overwork. Here are some practical steps to help you evaluate and manage your workload more effectively:
- Track Your Time: Keep a detailed log of how you spend your time at work. This will help you identify patterns, time-wasting activities, and areas where you can optimize your workflow. Understanding where your time goes is crucial for making informed decisions about your workload.
- Evaluate Your Tasks: Prioritize your tasks based on their importance and urgency. Delegate tasks when possible to free up time for high-priority responsibilities. This approach ensures that you focus on what truly matters and reduces the risk of feeling overwhelmed.
- Assess Your Work Environment: Take a close look at your work environment to identify factors that may be contributing to your stress. Are there adequate resources and support? Are the expectations realistic? Addressing these issues can significantly improve your work experience and reduce stress.
By systematically assessing your workload and work environment, you can pinpoint the sources of your stress and take steps to create a more manageable and productive work situation.
6. Make a Plan for Change
So, let’s say your excessive workload has no chance of diminishing anytime soon, lots of important things are being neglected, and your boss has unreasonable expectations. It is time to make a plan for change. Consider the following:
- Can any of the work be delegated to someone else?
- Can any of the deadlines be extended?
- Is there anyone or anything that can help make a task less time-consuming?
- Is there something that can be dropped without negative consequences?
With answers to these questions in mind, come up with several alternative plans to allow the work to be done, but in a different way or a different time frame.
If you are thoughtful and advocate for what is necessary, you can make a change that benefits everyone — the firm, the client, and you.
7. Boundaries and Self Care
Boundaries and self-care are key to work-life balance and preventing lawyer burnout. Here are some tips to help you set boundaries and look after yourself:
- Set Boundaries: Set clear boundaries around your work hours, tasks and responsibilities. Tell your colleagues and supervisors so you don’t overcommit and have time for your personal life.
- Self-care: Make time for things that nourish your mind, body and spirit. Whether it’s exercise, meditation or spending time with loved ones, self-care is essential to your overall well-being.
- Learn to Say No: Be aware of your workload and avoid taking on too much by learning to say no to non-essential tasks or responsibilities. This can be hard in the legal profession, but it’s key to preventing burnout and maintaining work-life balance.
8. Talk to Your Supervising Attorney
This is not the time to timidly apologize for asking for change. This is when you confidently propose a better plan and convey you are choosing quality over quantity — a strategy that is good for the firm and its clients. Explain that you know from experience that all these tasks cannot be completed on time at the level of professionalism your boss and clients expect, and you want to ensure clients get the best of your efforts. Clarify how your new plan will be good for the firm and the clients, as well as better for your professional growth. You can also ask for suggestions.
Focus on what’s best for clients and the bottom line from a fresh perspective, and your plan is more likely to be approved.
9. Using What’s Available in Your Law Firm
Using resources resources that may already be available in the law firm can help you manage your workload, reduce stress and improve your overall well-being.
- Mentorship Programs: Many law firms have mentorship programs that offer guidance, support and wisdom from experienced lawyers. These programs can help you navigate the highs and lows of the legal profession and the internal politics of your firm.
- Wellness Initiatives: Some law firms have wellness initiatives, such as meditation classes, fitness programs or mental health resources to support lawyer wellbeing.
- Technology and Tools: Use tools like project management software, time-tracking apps or document automation tools to simplify your workflow and time spent on repetitive tasks. Ask for training — understanding how to use new tools helps you feel more in control of your workday and get more done.
10. Building a Support Network Outside of Work
Building a support network outside of work is key to work-life balance and preventing burnout. It helps gives you a sense of community and connection outside of work that is crucial for your overall well-being.
- Join Professional Associations: Joining professional associations like the American Bar Association lets you connect with other lawyers, attend events and get access to resources and support. These connections give you a sense of community and shared experience.
- Volunteer: Volunteering for things you care about lets you meet others like you, build connections and give back to your community. This gives you a sense of purpose outside of your law work.
- Hobbies: Having hobbies or interests outside of work lets you meet new people, build connections and have balance and fulfillment.
More Time Management Strategies from Attorney at Work
- Organize Your Time With a Thoughtful Plan
- Knowing Is Half the Battle: Handling First Assignments as a New Associate
- Start Sleeping Better Tonight: 3 Tips for a More Restful Night
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