Tech Tips

Take Control of Your Calendar With Outlook Categories

By Danielle DavisRoe

Is your day filled with internal meetings, Zoom calls with clients, and trips to the courthouse? Manage it all at a glance with Outlook categories. Try these tricks, adapted from Affinity Consulting Group’s “Microsoft Outlook for Legal Professionals.”

outlook categories

Introduction to How to Use Categories in Outlook

Categories allow you to “color-code” emails, tasks, appointments, and contacts. Categories carry across Outlook. If you create a new color category while updating an appointment, that same color category will be available for email, tasks, and contacts. The default category feature through the Quick Click function allows you to easily assign a frequently used category to your messages, enhancing productivity and organization in your inbox. Categories can be used to color-code things, and they can be used to filter.

Each category is assigned a color. While you can assign multiple categories the same color, most people assign each category a unique color to help distinguish them at a glance. Color-coding is especially useful on your calendar.

Setting Up Categories

From your email, categories are found on the Home ribbon. From your calendar, categories are found in the Event menu. You can also find them by right-clicking on an email, appointment, task or contact. Utilize the categorize menu to set a Quick Click category for messages and manage your categories more efficiently.

Whichever way you open the categories dialog, from Categorize, select All Categories… at the bottom of the list.

The Color Categories dialog box allows you to create and rename categories, select colors, and assign shortcut keys, which is essential for organizing messages and calendar events.

Outlook contains categories like red, blue and yellow out of the box. Either rename those to something meaningful to you or delete them and start from scratch. When setting up categories, think about ways you’d like to color-code your calendar (or emails, tasks and contacts). What do you want to be able to tell at a glance? Do you want to know whether your meetings are internal ones, ones with the client, or ones with the court? Set up a category for each of those.

To delete categories, simply select the category you wish to remove and follow the step-by-step instructions to ensure no associated emails or events are affected.

For example, if internal meetings are yellow, client meetings are red, and hearings are blue, just by glancing at your Outlook calendar, you’ll know what types of meetings are in store for you.

Applying Color Categories

Right-click on the email, appointment, task or contact to apply a category. Under Categorize, select the category to apply. To apply additional categories, right-click and select a new category. To manage color categories, right-click and select Categorize. Categories can also be applied to email from the Home ribbon and meetings from the Events tab.

If the available list of categories is insufficient, you can select Manage categories to access more options and assign the appropriate categories for your emails.

You can also assign shortcut keys to up to 11 categories to simplify applying categories. From the Categories dialog, select a category. On the right-hand side, select a shortcut key from the dropdown menu. Ctrl + F2F12 are available as shortcut options.

In the Tags group on the Ribbon, you can categorize and organize messages, calendar items, and tasks for better tracking and sorting.

You can also add the Categorize dropdown to your Quick Access Toolbar. Right-click on the Categorize button from the email Home ribbon and select Add to Quick Access Toolbar. Categories will now always be a single click away.

Filtering and Managing Categories

Once you start using categories, you can use them to filter your email, calendar, tasks, and contacts. To manage categories, from the View ribbon, click on View Settings. Then click on the Filter… button. On the More Choices tab, click on the Categories… button to select the categories you want to filter for.

To rename categories, access the Categories section through the Color Categories dialog box, where you can create new categories or modify existing ones for better identification.

To save the filtered view, on the View ribbon, click on Change View and select Save Current View as a New View. Then, you can filter for the same categories by switching to that view going forward. Filtered views are especially helpful for looking into court dates or deadlines in the future, decluttering the view of your most important dates. Organizing your Outlook inbox using color-coded categories can significantly enhance your email management, making it easier to find and categorize messages efficiently.

Learn More Outlook Tricks

Learn more tricks like this in Affinity Consulting Group’s “Microsoft Outlook for Legal Professionals.”

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Categories: Email Management, Legal Technology, Office 365, Tech Tools
Originally published September 18, 2024
Last updated November 18, 2024
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Danielle Danielle DavisRoe

Danielle DavisRoe is a senior consultant with Affinity Consulting Group (@affinitylegal). Whether it’s teaching clients a new skill through training, speaking at CLE events, or management consulting, Danielle is 100% focused on making the lives of her clients better. She has a Bachelor of Science in Business Administration from The Ohio State University Fisher College of Business and a Juris Doctorate from The Ohio State University Moritz College of Law.

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