top 12 Law Firm Management Law Practice Tips

Hot Topics: Top 12 Law Practice Management Posts of 2020 (So Far)

By Joan Feldman

Top traits of good lawyers, lawyer finances, Zoom, Word, Outlook and more: Attorney at Work most popular law practice management posts of 2020.

What topics captured a locked-down Attorney at Work audience’s attention during the first half of 2020? It’s no surprise pandemic-related articles made the top 12 list, joining perennial law practice management favorites like Peggy Gruenke’s guidance on handling settlement funds and Jay Harrington’s “17 Things I Wish I Knew.” But how-tos on Outlook and P&L statements crowded out past “best-of” list posts on lawyer well-being. (We’ll deal with chronic stress later — after we figure out how to fix the formatting in the damned Word doc! Small victories.)

Now, as the world continues to reopen, Google Analytics reveals readers’ renewed interest in starting a law firm as well as relocating and retiring. It follows: After months of fear and uncertainty, many of us are asking questions about our careers and making decisions that go way beyond which Zoom background is best.

Which leads us to this top trait in Jamie Spannhake’s chart-topping post on what it takes to be a great lawyer — perseverance:

We must keep working, keep trying and keep going. We must be able to walk away when things are not working, take a break and come back fresh and ready to fight.

Top 12 Law Practice Management Topics

Here, without further analysis, are the most popular law practice management and productivity posts so far this year, based solely on page views. Thanks to all of our contributors for their hard work and creative thinking.

12. The Long Nine: Essential Software for the Modern Law Practice by Jared Correia

11. What’s in Your Law Firm’s Profit and Loss Statement? by Annette Fadness

10. COVID-19 Impacts for Solo and Small Firm Lawyers: Beyond Remote Work by Roy Ginsburg

9. Wheaton’s Law by Ruth Carter

8. Zoom Backgrounds: Looking Good in a Tiny Square by Bull Garlington

7. How to Set Follow-up Reminders in Outlook by Deborah Savadra

6. 17 Things I Wish I Knew as a New Associate by Jay Harrington

5. Resetting Default Heading and Body Fonts in Microsoft Word by Deborah Savadra

4. Getting Started With Zoom and Using It Securely by Sharon Nelson and John Simek

3. Handling Settlement Funds by Peggy Gruenke

2. Can You Relocate Without Taking a New Bar Exam? by Megan Zavieh

1. Five Traits of Great Lawyers by Jamie Spannhake

Attorney at Work’s writers and editors are working hard every day on our mission to deliver law practice management tips that help you create a law practice and a life you love. Do you have a question, an idea or topic you’d like to learn more about? Email us at

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Joan Hamby Feldman Joan Feldman

Joan Feldman is Editor-in-Chief and a co-founder of Attorney at Work, publishing “one really good idea every day” since 2011. She has created and steered myriad leading practice management and trade publications, including the ABA’s Law Practice magazine where she served as managing editor for a dozen years. Joan is a Fellow and served as a Trustee of the College of Law Practice Management. Follow her on LinkedIn and @JoanHFeldman.

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