You’ve probably heard of the wildly popular Foursquare and Farmville, where users receive incentives to participate in activities. But the concept of gamification—the use of virtual rewards, levels and status to motivate certain ...
Josh King - February 28, 2012Clients are always looking for a law firm or lawyers with tremendous experience in xyz. Clients are very rarely looking for a lawyer with zero experience in xyz. Yet, in most law firms today, young lawyers are expected to bring in work—any ...
William Melater - February 23, 2012Thinking in terms of business-to-business versus business-to-consumer marketing, are you B-to-B or B-to-C? Your law firm is a business, of course—a "B." So, is your target client another B, or a consumer—a "C?" If you don't know the answer, ...
Theda C. Snyder - February 14, 2012While forgetting names is not the worst thing you can do socially, conversely, remembering names is one of the best. It eases social situations, sets you apart from the other bumbling schlubs, lets your companion know that they had a positive ...
Mary Ellen Sullivan - January 23, 2012Andrea Cannavina has advice on how to be in this strange land of the internet, without being a stranger.
Andrea Cannavina - January 19, 2012The grumpy Gus in the crowd who resists creating a simple LinkedIn profile would be blown away by all the things you can do with this most popular of professional social networks. But you, savvy user that you are, are probably still overlooking ...
The Editors - January 13, 2012“If you want your law practice to survive, you’ve got to network!” When I was starting out as a solo, I heard that hundreds of times. And every time, my stomach turned. I'm not a natural networker, at least not as I understood the term. To me, ...
John H. Snyder - January 9, 2012Do it now—while the phones are quiet and your colleagues are off nursing their post-holiday blues. Lean back, put your feet up, stare into the distance and make a few — emphasis on few — plans for the coming year. Focus on the strictly ...
Elizabeth A. Butcher - January 4, 2012We’ve assembled the top marketing articles from the past 12 months of Attorney at Work—the ones readers told us helped them most, and the ones that generated the most “clicks”—into a handy downloadable guide to help get you rolling on your plans ...
The Editors - December 27, 2011Having a podcast is a great way to differentiate yourself from other professionals, to display your expertise on a subject and to connect with other people. I’ve had the pleasure of being a guest on three podcasts. It’s a lot of fun to record a ...
Ruth Carter - December 13, 2011